Entries by Marcio Tameirao

TIMREX has officially started!

TIMREX is a newly started project that will develop a Master’ Programme for Innovative Mineral Resource Exploration – funded by EIT RawMaterials. The initiative started in the beginning of 2022, and it will be concluded at the end of 2024. 

The kick-off meeting was held last week, on Friday 14th January 2022. Due to the current circumstances faced in Europe regarding travel restrictions, the event was held online. In this opportunity, a total of 20 participants had the chance to discuss the initials steps and work plan in TIMREX. The attendees were from the 10 different organisations involved in the project’s consortium, as well as a representative of EIT RawMaterials Academy.

TIMREX’s kick-off meeting started with welcome words from Ferenc Mádai, the Project Coordinator, from University of Miskolc. Afterwards, each partner had a few seconds to briefly introduce themselves to the other participants. In the sequence, the Project Coordinator proceeded with an overview of TIMREX, the main objectives, timeline, and the KPIs to be pursued. Subsequently, both the universities and the industrial & research members of the consortium presented their organisations and their role in the project, which was followed by an overview of the labelling process by EIT – which is the goal of TIMREX.

The following session consisted of presentations of each Work Package, by their respective leaders, comprising its objectives, timeline and expected impacts:

  • WP1 – Management and Governance (University of Miskolc)
  • WP2 – Curriculum development towards Lighthouse targets (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
  • WP3 – Mobility scheme development and labelling (University of Zagreb – Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering)
  • WP4 – Innovation and Entrepreneurship modules development (La Palma Research Centre)
  • WP5 – Mentoring and SOC competences development ( European Federation of Geologists)
  • WP6 – Field program development, organization and coordination ( Luleå University of Technology)
  • WP7 – Dissemination and outreach (La Palma Research Centre)

Finally, Ferenc Mádai closed the meeting with some practicalities and the schedule for the upcoming events and milestones within the project. Stay tuned with us!